Swiss Railways train in Zurich Station
To join our campaign – membership only costs £10 per year.
Members who want to get involved in our campaigns can attend our meetings held 4 or 5 times each year. During the Covid pandemic we were meeting via Zoom about every 2 months. We now aim to have 2 ‘live’ meetings a year, one of which would be our AGM – normally held in November in Birmingham or London.
If you want to join – fill in the membership form on the right, send your £10 fee to our bank and then click the button which will send your form straight to us.
This will enable you to join on line by sending your membership fee direct to our bank account in the name of The European Rail Campaign (UK) sort code 30-90-89 account number 54198860 using your surname as reference. Once this is received then our Membership Secretary will be in touch.
If you prefer not to make an on line payment, please complete the joining form opposite and click the button. Then post your cheque for £10 payable to The European Rail Campaign (UK) to The Treasurer (ERCUK), 69 Dudley Road, Tipton, DY4 8EE. Our Membership Secretary will be in touch on receipt.
Donations are, of course, always welcome so feel free to add something, if you wish, when making your payment.